Organization Terms and Conditions

Eligible Organizations

RewardX Fundraisingprogram customers can select any posted "Eligible Organization" to support. "Eligible Organizations" are public and private schools and charitable organizations that:

  1. are headquartered in the United States
  2. are qualified under Section 501(c)(3)
  3. are public charitable organizations
  4. are in good standing in their state of incorporation and in the states where they are authorized to do business
  5. are otherwise not in violation of the terms of this Participation Agreement

Note that partners may have group eligibility requirements. Eligible Organizations, that fit the enrollment criteria, may submit an enrollment form by completing an enrollment form and agreeing to enrollment terms and conditions. RewardX Fundraisingretains the right to refuse enrollment to any organization.

1. These terms the ("Subscribing Organization Terms") are a legal contract between RewardX Fundraisingand any Subscribing Organization, and are incorporated into and subject to the RewardX FundraisingTerms and Conditions. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings attributed to them in the RewardX FundraisingTerms and Conditions.

2. In the event that RewardX Fundraisingmaterially changes, materially modifies, and or removes material portions of the RewardX FundraisingTerms and Conditions, you shall use your best efforts to provide notice as provided by RewardX Fundraisingto any and all of the Supporters that you have registered for the RewardX FundraisingProgram.

3. RewardX Fundraisinghas established the RewardX FundraisingProgram to benefit schools and nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations in the United States. Subscribing Organizations meeting these criteria may apply to become authorized participants in the Program however, RewardX Fundraisingand participating partners reserve the right to refuse or revoke the enrollment of any Subscribing Organization in the Program.

4. When a Supporter of a Subscribing Organization makes a qualifying purchase at a participating partner, the participating partner, pursuant to its agreement with RXfundraising, will provide RewardX Fundraisingwith an amount of such purchases, and RewardX Fundraisingshall provide a portion of such contributions to the Subscribing Organization. Notwithstanding the foregoing, participating partners may impose certain limitations or restrictions upon their participation in the RewardX FundraisingProgram. By way of example, and without limitation, participating partners may (i) limit the categories of purchases that are eligible to earn contributions, (ii) set overall contribution limits and or regional contribution limits, and or (iii) impose restrictions upon your use of the applicable partner’s contributions. If a Subscribing Organization fails to comply with any restrictions imposed by the participating partner, RewardX Fundraisingis not obligated to pay contributions to the Subscribing Organization. RewardX FundraisingIS NOT OBLIGATED TO PAY ANY CONTRIBUTION TO A SUBSCRIBING ORGANIZATION UNLESS RewardX FundraisingACTUALLY RECEIVES THE CORRESPONDING PAYMENT FROM THE AFFILIATE PARTNER.

5. During a Subscribing Organization’s enrollment in the Program, RewardX Fundraisingand such Subscribing Organization shall have the right to indicate to the public that the Subscribing Organization is an authorized participant in the Program and in connection therewith may use the trademarks, service marks, and trade names (“Marks”). In addition, any submissions to RewardX Fundraisingby Subscribing Organizations shall become the property of RewardX Fundraisingand therefore may be used in RXfundraising, or participating partner’s in marketing or promotional materials. By way of example, but without limitation, these materials may include letters, testimonials, videos, pictures, graphics, press releases, et al. All representations of the RewardX FundraisingMarks that a Subscribing Organization uses shall be exact copies of those used by RewardX Fundraisingor shall first be submitted to RewardX Fundraisingfor approval of design, color and other details. A Subscribing Organization shall not use RXfundraising’s Marks in any manner that would be inconsistent with or damaging to RXfundraising’s name or reputation.

6. RewardX Fundraisingreserves the right to discontinue or alter the terms of the Program, including but not limited to: the participation partners, the contribution amounts, and the registered enrollment types that are accepted by partners, at any time without prior notice.

7. Organizations that enroll in the RewardX Fundraisingprogram and provide complete ACH banking information, will receive quarterly ACH payments into this account. After one "rejected" quarterly ACH payment, groups payment status will automatically change to "check pay" status (see below).

All Eligible Organizations that do not provide ACH banking details to RewardX Fundraisingwill be paid quarterly by check provided they reach a minimum of $25 in contribution. Should the organization fail to meet the quarterly $25 minimum contribution earnings, these funds will be rolled over to the next quarterly period. Checks will be paid quarterly and are subject to a $2.00 check processing fee. Organizations receiving check payments will have 6 months from check issue date to deposit/cash payment checks. After 6 months, all uncashed check contribution earnings will be voided for the Eligible Organization and will be reissued to a RewardX FundraisingEnrolled Organization that supports the education of youth as determined by RXfundraising.

Your enrolled group is responsible for ensuring that all information you provide to us, which includes: all group information, bank account deposit information for ACH deposits, RewardX Fundraisingcoordinator name, phone and email address, is at all times complete, accurate, and up-to-date. You also agree that any failure to keep such information up to date may result in your group not receiving contributions under the Program.

8. An organization may terminate its participation in the RewardX Fundraisingprogram at any time. Prior to termination, all registered supporters will be moved to a National RewardX FundraisingEnrolled Organization that supports the education of youth, as determined by RXfundraising. It will be up to the organization to contact supporters regarding this termination, and let their supporters know that they may change their group affiliation at any time by contacting RXfundraising.

Contact Us

RewardX Fundraisingis a Sopaev, Inc. company.