How To Teach Kids About Giving Back To The Community?

RX Fundraising
Teaching kids about helping others is one of the most important lessons we can pass on as parents. It allows them to grow up with a stronger sense of compassion, empathy, and responsibility. One simple way to teach this lesson is by incorporating it into your daily routines, like when you use RewardX Fundraising to earn money for a nonprofit while shopping at Rite Aid.

Through our platform, RewardX Fundraising, families can give back without spending any extra money. By signing up with RewardX Fundraising and linking your account with the Rite Aid loyalty program, 1.5% of the total amount of your purchases will be donated to the nonprofit of your choice. It's a wonderful way to support causes you care about while doing your everyday shopping. And the best part? You’re showing your kids how easy it can be to help others, even when money is tight.

Why should we teach children about being charitable?
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in our own lives and forget that some people are struggling. But overall, children are very selfless. They want to help people and make them smile. That’s why it’s so important to start teaching them about charitable acts at a young age, when they don’t mind spending time on doing something good for others.

When we teach kids about the importance of helping others, it fosters a sense of community that is often lacking in today’s world. They learn that no matter how small their actions might seem, they can make a real difference in someone’s life. And the earlier we start instilling these values, the more likely they’ll carry them forward into adulthood.

How RewardX Fundraising makes teaching kids about charities and donations easy
Giving back doesn’t always mean donating money out of pocket. For many families, that may not be an option. With RewardX Fundraising, you can support your favorite nonprofit organization by shopping at Rite Aid. After signing up, every time you make a purchase, Rite Aid donates 1.5% of the total amount to the nonprofit of your choice via our platform. Whether it’s your child’s school, a local animal shelter, or a health-related cause, this simple act of shopping can make a big difference over time.

By including your kids in this process, they can see firsthand how small and everyday actions can have a positive impact on the community. It's an easy and meaningful way to reinforce the idea of giving back.

They will quickly understand that you don’t have to be rich or spend a lot of time in order to do something nice for others. Being charitable can be very easy and doesn’t have to be time consuming at all. 

Other ways to teach kids about helping others
Of course, there are many ways you can teach your children to give back, regardless of their age. Here are a few ideas that are simple and impactful:

For younger children:

  • Donate old toys: Encourage your kids to go through their old toys and select some that they no longer play with to donate to children in need. Explain how another child who doesn’t have as many toys will be so happy to have something new to play with.
  • Simple acts of kindness: Younger kids can help in small ways, like holding the door for someone or bringing a fruit basket to a sick neighbor. These little acts build a foundation for understanding kindness.

For tweens:

  • Volunteer together: Many communities have family-friendly volunteer opportunities. Look for local events like park clean-ups or community food drives that you and your child can participate in together.
  • Help neighbors: If a neighbor has an injury or is elderly, ask your kids to help out with tasks like walking their dog or carrying their groceries. These small gestures make a big difference in someone’s day.

For teens:

  • Organize a fundraiser: If your teen has a passion for a particular cause, encourage them to organize a fundraiser or donate their time to help. Whether it’s baking cookies for a bake sale or organizing a charity car wash, these experiences can be eye-opening and rewarding. 
  • Assist in shelters or food banks: Teenagers are often old enough to volunteer at local shelters or food banks. This hands-on experience shows them the direct impact they can have in the lives of others, while helping them understand broader social issues.

Getting involved together

Children learn best when something is fun or relatable. That’s why it’s a great idea to do something nice for others as a family. As your kids get older, they might invite their friends along to spend a day helping at a local food bank, or maybe they’ll teach their younger siblings about different ways to be helpful or charitable.

The best part about teaching kids to give back is that it’s something the whole family can do together. Whether it’s through programs like RewardX Fundraising, volunteering as a group, or simply lending a helping hand to a neighbor, there are countless opportunities to weave generosity into your family’s everyday life. You don’t need to have a lot of money or time to make a difference, all it takes is a little effort and the desire to help.

By adding a few of these charitable acts to your family’s routine, you’re creating a sense of community and empathy in your children that will last a lifetime. So before you head to Rite Aid for your next shopping trip, don’t forget to sign up with RewardX Fundraising and show your kids just how easy it is to make a positive impact.